7 Things To Consider Before Creating A Writing Style Guide That Speaks To Your Audience

by | Apr 25, 2024

Creating a writing style guide is an essential step for any brand or organization aiming to establish a consistent voice across all their communications. However, creating one that effectively resonates with your audience involves much more than outlining grammatical rules and brand-specific vocabulary. 

Here are seven key considerations to keep in mind before diving into the creation of a writing style guide that truly speaks to your audience.

1. When Creating A Writing Style Guide, Know Your Audience

Before you even think about the nitty-gritty of commas or the enigma of en dashes in your writing style guide, you need to zoom in on who will be on the receiving end of your content:

  • Demographics are key: Age, location, profession—these aren’t just data points; they’re the backbone of how your writing style will be perceived.
  • Preferences aren’t just preferences. They’re expectations: Your audience’s reading habits can define the heartbeat of your editorial style guide. Do they prefer the straightforwardness reflected in APA citation rules or the familiarity of MLA formatting? Answering this dictates everything from punctuation to house style.
  • Needs lead to norms: Your content style guide is a set of standards, not suggestions. It matures from a simple style manual into a living document that breathes your audience’s needs, speaking their language, embracing their lingo, and eliminating any room for ambiguity or disconnection.

Crafting a writing style guide is not just about selecting the right abbreviation or sculpting the perfect sentence. It’s about ensuring that every element of your writing style guide—from the grandeur of your format to the specifics of your citation—is laser-focused on your audience.

2. Define Your Brand Voice And Tone

Picture your brand’s voice as the personality behind all your messages, the friendly face your readers come to know and trust. And tone? That’s like your brand’s mood ring. It changes colors depending on the situation—playful on social media, serious in a report, warm and welcoming in an email.

Let’s break down why this dynamic duo is super important:

  • Stick to Your Voice: Like your best clothes that never go out of fashion, your voice stays with you. It’s your brand’s signature—consistent, recognizable, and original.
  • Switch Up Your Tone: Got different occasions? Change the tone accordingly. A style guide helps you decide on the perfect ‘accessory’ to match—whether that’s a dash of humor or a serious statement.

With a well-thought-out style guide, you can navigate through the world of APA, MLA, Chicago, or AP styling with an anchor that keeps your brand’s voice steady amidst the waves of tone changes.

Whether you’re defining the finer points of word usage or you’re nailing down general style guidelines, remember: Your voice is what sets you apart, and your tone is how you relate to every individual customer, reader, or follower. It’s all about making the words work for you.

3. To Create A Style Guide, Determine Your Linguistic Standards

Nail down the nuts and bolts of your message with clear linguistic guidelines. This isn’t just about dotting your i’s and crossing your t’s—it’s about creating a uniform voice that carries your brand’s essence in every word, sentence, and paragraph.

  • Why Set Standards?: A style guide isn’t a rulebook to stifle creativity; think of it as a playbook for clarity. Whether it’s deciding on spelling, battling over punctuation, or grappling with grammar, setting these standards ensures everyone is on the same page.
  • Pick Your Play: APA, MLA, Chicago—these aren’t just academic fluff. Each style manual mirrors a worldview, adapts to specific audiences and fits certain contents like a glove. Should your brand come off as scholarly? Chicago Manual of Style might be your jam. Fast-paced and newsy? AP Stylebook stands ready.

Your chosen style influences everything from format to abbreviation usage, embodied in your very own editorial style guide. This isn’t about mindless adherence but about sculpting your brand’s language, so it resonates, reflects, and reverberates with your intended market.

  • Craft With Care: Whether you’re creating content style guides or mulling over a manual of style, remember: Consistency breeds familiarity. And familiarity? That’s where loyalty starts.

Think of your linguistic standards as the stylebook for your brand’s identity. Not only does it put everyone on the same hymn sheet—but it assures that the song your brand sings is harmonious, no matter who’s at the microphone.

4. Consider Visual Elements

Let’s talk visuals—because a style guide is more than just words. Here’s what you need to focus on:

  • Imagery & Logos: Think of these as your brand’s handshake or smile. They need to match the personality of your words to make that perfect first impression.
  • Fonts & Color Schemes: Fonts and colors are like the voice and tone of your writing. They add emotion and emphasis, guiding your audience through your message in a visual dance.

Balancing visuals with written content is key. It’s not just about looking good; it’s about creating a vibe that sticks. So, blend your visuals with the style of your writing. If your words are formal, maybe go for clean lines and classic colors. Quirky and casual? Play with brighter colors and fun fonts.

By weaving these visual elements into your style guide, you’re not just sprucing up the place; you’re making it feel like home for your audience. Think of it as setting the right ambiance—a little lighting here, some comfy furniture there—and voilà! Your brand instantly becomes more inviting.

5. Address Content Formatting

Cracking the code of content formatting is like unveiling the user-friendly version of your message. Let’s go into making your content formatting as engaging as possible:

  • Headings, Bullet Points, Numbering: These are your road signs in the jungle of information. They break down your content into digestible pieces, leading your readers through your message with ease.
  • Layout Matters: Just like a good layout makes a house more navigable, a thoughtful layout in your content boosts accessibility and engagement. Think of your brand style guide as the architect of this layout, ensuring every piece of content invites readers in and guides them comfortably from start to finish.

Incorporating these formatting tips within your writing style guide—whether you’re adhering to APA style, MLA style, or Chicago style—is crucial. It ensures your content not only maintains a consistent tone and style but is also structured in a way that resonates with your audience’s preferences and expectations.

Get your formatting right, and watch your content transform from good to great, ensuring every piece you create is not only readable but truly engaging.

6. Create Examples And References

When building your writing style guide, think of examples and references as your trusty sidekicks. They turn abstract rules into concrete “aha!” moments. Let’s turn the abstract into the unmistakable:

  • Practical Examples: These are the “show, don’t tell” of your style guide. Instead of just explaining the rule, demonstrate it. If you’re talking about voice and tone, show real sentences that sizzle with your brand’s style.
  • Dos and Don’ts: Like a quick before-and-after makeover, “dos and don’ts” reveal the power of your style and usage rules. It’s the difference between telling someone to tidy their room and actually showing them how to do it.

The impact?

  • Clarify Complexity: With real-life examples, even the trickiest grammar and style rules become clear. Your writing guide stops being just a document—it becomes a hands-on workshop.
  • Consistency is Key: Every time a writer refers back to an example in your style guide, they’re reinforcing your brand style. Consistent brand word choice? Check. On-point typography? Double-check.

By providing these practical tools, your style guide does more than just polish your writing; it becomes a beacon, guiding writers and editors toward excellence. Whether it’s APA, MLA, or Chicago style, having a rock-solid foundation of examples ensures everyone’s on the same page—literally.

7. Plan For Revisions And Updates

Your writing style guide isn’t just a set-it-and-forget-it tool; it’s a living document that thrives on change. Just as style evolves, so should your guide. Here’s how to keep it fresh and relevant:

Think of your style guide as a flexible, evolving blueprint. It should adapt to new trends in punctuation, abbreviation, and format, ensuring your content style guide always reflects the best practices in writing style. 

Schedule periodic reviews to assess the performance of current guidelines and to integrate new standards from the Chicago Manual of Style, APA, or MLA as needed. Don’t forget to monitor the practical application of your manual of style in real content to spot areas for improvement.

A style guide that anticipates change and incorporates regular updates is not just a manual; it’s a strategic asset that ensures your writing style remains dynamic, authoritative, and engaging.

At Lil Assistance, we’re dedicated to helping brands articulate their vision with clarity and creativity. Whether it’s refining your house style or setting a manual of standards, consider us your partners in the journey toward cultivating a distinctive, engaging writing style.

Remember, a great style guide does more than dictate format and grammar; it captures the essence of your brand, empowering you to write with confidence and connect with your audience like never before.

7 Things To Consider Before Creating A Writing Style Guide That Speaks To Your Audience

Creating a writing style guide is a significant investment in your brand’s future communications. By considering these seven aspects, you can ensure that your guide not only establishes consistency across your communications but also builds a deeper connection with your audience.
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